I have been using this for 6months. So this is my personal thought about this product AVAILABILITY:- Watsons PRICE:- RM 14+ something To all people yang first time tengok benda ni. Let me introduce to all of you. Ini sunblock/sunscreen yang I dah guna untuk 6bulan ni. So far I pakai sangat best and sesuai dengan skin. What it claims? -Superior intensive moisture for soft and smooth skin -Anti-bacterial formula -water/sweat resistant Why we need to apply sunblock? -Sunblock is very important. Tak kisah untuk sesiapa pun. Pakai sunblock bila nak keluar rumah especially waktu siang and tak jadi masalah pun kalau nak duduk rumah pakai sunblock :) its even better. Selain itu, pakai sunblock juga boleh mengurangkan risiko untuk dapat kanser kulit (skin cancer), pigmentation bila umur semakin meningkat.Sunblock boleh di apply bila kita dah selesai pakai moisturizer. What I like about this product? -Bau dia wangi -Non sticky. -Its is a physical sunblock because it conta...